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The Capybara

What Are Capybaras?

Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (AKA capybara) are the world's largest rodent with an average weight of 77-143 pounds. They live in mostly near Northern and Southern America and are Semi- aquatic mammals living in water and on land. Capybaras are similar to guinea pigs and hamsters. Their body shape helps them swim in water and adapt to the floods in their forest-like habitats.

Indroduction:Why capybaras?

This website was created to teach people about Capybaras and facts about them. This website will talk about basic knowledge needed to know about these animals and will also include some extra facts that may be found interesting. It was very fun to write about this very much adored fluffy animal known as the capybara and I hope whoever is reading this will enjoy and learn something helpful from this website.

How the Fame Started

In 2013 capybaras had a small ounce of popularity starting to rise but didn't take off until late 2021. Thanks to Japanese photographer Katsuhito Watanabe,capybaras started to become internet hits and people soon fell in love and laughed at this silly creature. During this time there was many social media accounts made and dedicated to capybaras further making capybaras "meme worthy" and creating a new social media trend.

Skipping from 2013 to the present day (2022) capybaras have gotten more attention than ever with the well known meme of a capybara riding in the passenger seat of a car with the viral hit song "After Party" by Don Toliver.This was then called the "Ok I pull up" trend essentially showing pictures or videos of capybaras with that audio or phrase.

Now that you have seen the infamous memes and their explanation to why people find this aquatic creature fascinating it is time to look at some real facts and learn more about them.